Why your Office Manager Should Not Handle Your Social Media.

She can but should she? If possible, no.

In this day and age of evolved healthcare marketing, most doctors understand the need to engage in social media. That is a great first step.

With the knowledge that they need to compete in the social media marketing sphere, they promptly turn over the strategy to their office manager. I mean, why not? He or she can post on Facebook right? That’s all there is to it.

Not exactly.

Handing over social media to your office manager is like giving your teenage son the keys to the car and telling him to drive across country solo. Can he do it – sure. Should he do it – probably not.

Understanding and implementing a successful Social Media program is a skill developed through a combination of storytelling talent, writing ability and knowledge of and with the various tools and tactics available. It is not on par with separating conjoined twins or a liver transplant.

However, to succeed requires knowledge and experience. To succeed is the key phrase. Anyone can do it. But in order for social media to be a fertile channel to grow your practice you need someone who knows what they are doing. Some healthcare practices understand this. Some do not. For those who fall into the latter category, I bring you four reasons why social media should not be handled by the office manager of a medical practice.

1. TIME. This is a big factor. The reality is that excelling at social media takes time – time to research which tools, tactics and channels work best for your audience; time to develop content that is compelling and resonates; time to craft and write the posts. I haven’t even touched on the advertising options on social media but I think you get the idea. Most office managers do not have the time to focus on social media since they are charged with many other responsibilities. Read More