Why Your Office Manager Should Not Handle Your Social Media

Why your Office Manager Should Not Handle Your Social Media.

She can but should she? If possible, no.

In this day and age of evolved healthcare marketing, most doctors understand the need to engage in social media. That is a great first step.

With the knowledge that they need to compete in the social media marketing sphere, they promptly turn over the strategy to their office manager. I mean, why not? He or she can post on Facebook right? That’s all there is to it.

Not exactly.

Handing over social media to your office manager is like giving your teenage son the keys to the car and telling him to drive across country solo. Can he do it – sure. Should he do it – probably not.

Understanding and implementing a successful Social Media program is a skill developed through a combination of storytelling talent, writing ability and knowledge of and with the various tools and tactics available. It is not on par with separating conjoined twins or a liver transplant.

However, to succeed requires knowledge and experience. To succeed is the key phrase. Anyone can do it. But in order for social media to be a fertile channel to grow your practice you need someone who knows what they are doing. Some healthcare practices understand this. Some do not. For those who fall into the latter category, I bring you four reasons why social media should not be handled by the office manager of a medical practice.

1. TIME. This is a big factor. The reality is that excelling at social media takes time – time to research which tools, tactics and channels work best for your audience; time to develop content that is compelling and resonates; time to craft and write the posts. I haven’t even touched on the advertising options on social media but I think you get the idea. Most office managers do not have the time to focus on social media since they are charged with many other responsibilities.
2. Content Strategy. In a previous post, I outline ways to put the social back in Social Media. Read this and then ask yourself these questions. Does your office manager know how to use emotion and humor? Does he or she know how to cultivate original images that will stand out in the crowed social media sphere? Does he or she have experience with infographics and video? Does he or she know how to utilize user-generated content? A marketing professional knows how and what to do to navigate this complicated landscape.

3. Perspective. Most of the time a clinical manager has a very, well, clinical view of the practice. Clinical does not lend itself to great content. A communications professional brings a fresh perspective to the practice and insight gained from working with other healthcare organizations. This depth enhances his or her ability to grow your digital footprint. Let’s face it. Your office manager knows your office well. But he or she is not likely focused on the big picture.
4. Patients. This is a tricky one. Office managers and clinical staff have relationships with patients that take priority over social media. Their first job is to focus on the patient’s clinical needs. They may not be comfortable crossing the line into marketing with patients. Ditto for how patients perceive the office managers.

Look at the stats on this Facebook Post - More than 2 Million people reached organically.

Look at the stats on this Facebook Post – More than 2 Million people reached organically.


It is essential to have the office manager involved along with the rest of the staff. The more staff engaged the better. The clinical staff are the eyes and ears of the practice so they are an important piece of the puzzle. But they should be following the lead of a marketing professional with deep experience in social media and journalism.

If the doctor gets involved even better. He or she will still need help and guidance from a seasoned PR professional. (see reason 1-4 above).

In conclusion, having your office manager handle your social media is better than nothing. Barely.

Sher Facebook Engagement vs. other fertility clinics in he U.S.